Crystal Beasts August Price ~ 300 $ USD "Crystal Beast" Decks tend to have a wide variety of searching options for putting "Crystal Beast" cards on the field, either Summoned as monsters or placed in the Spell & Trap Zone as an effectless Continuous Spell Card, and they have a couple of extra drawing options to speed up the use of the DeckBraxton TriumvirateDarkArmedDuelist KoFihttps//koficom/darkarmedduelistDark Armed Duelist Patreon https//wwwpatreoNumber FOTBEN007 Rarity Ultra Rare Attribute Monster Type/Card Type Wind Beast/Effect Monster Level 4 A / D 1800 / 10 Description When this card is Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned, or Special Summoned, you can place 1 "Crystal Beast" monster from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard faceup in your Spell & Trap Card Zone;
Yugioh crystal beast spell cards
Yugioh crystal beast spell cards- This Spell Card lets you Special Summon a CB monster from your deck, providing that you have at least 2 Crystal Beasts in your Spell & Trap Zone Slip 2 or 3 of these in your deck to pull the team of seven together faster for Rainbow Dragon (8/10) Rare Value is another Spell Card that requires at least 2 CB monsters in your Spell & Trap Zone Your opponent will pick one toPATRONS TIER DARK ARMED DRAGON!

"Crystal Beast", originally named and known as "Gem Beast" (宝玉獣 (ほうぎょくじゅう) Hōgyokujū) in Japan, is an archetype of seven Level 34 monsters with various Attributes (primarily EARTH and WIND) and Types (primarily Beast) that all share the same effect of becoming Continuous Spell Cards upon their destruction Although they have low ATK and DEF, their But all the spell and trap cards the support this archetype can only be used when there are X amount of face up Crystal Beasts in the Spell/Trap Zone It's also crucial to have The Crystal Beasts in the S/T zone because to make this deck even remotely viable you have to run Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder, which is a 4000 attack beater which can run over almostAmber Crystal Circle Ancient City Rainbow Ruins Chaos Phantasm Armityle Crystal Beacon Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle Crystal Beast Emerald Turtle Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle
Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth The Arabic and Greek names given are not official When a faceup " Crystal Beast " monster you control is selected as an attack target, you can change the target to this card If this card is destroyed while it is in a Monster Card Zone, you can place it faceup in your Spell & Trap Card Zone as a Continuous SpellSend 4 "Crystal Beast" cards from your Spell & Trap Card Zone to the Graveyard;Send all cards on the field to the Graveyard, then Special Summon as many "Crystal Beast" monsters as possible from your Graveyard, up to the number of cards your opponent controlled that were sent to the Graveyard by this card's effect Crystal Beacon Spell Normal Special Summon 1 "Crystal Beast
Crystal Beasts This one of my favorite archetype because of the nostalgia it creates to its players, whenever they get destroyed, they go to spell The most outstanding one being their post monster rainbow dragon which you may usually get on the first pack, this is one of the coolest post monsters from crystal beasts and nostalgic to play too Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle x2 Spells Crystal Promise x3 Crystal Bond x3 Neos Fusion x1 Crystal Blessing x2 Rare Value x2 Crystal Abundance x1 Pot of Prosperity x3 Crystal Beacon x3 Crystal Tree x1 Ancient City Rainbow Ruins x2 Traps Ultimate Crystal Magic x2 Crystal Conclave x2 Extra Rainbow Overdragon x1 Rainbow Neos x1 Divine Arsenal AAZEUSGX The Crystal Beasts (known as Gem Beasts in the Japanese version) were based on gemstones gathered from all over the world Crystal Beasts have the special ability to have themselves be treated as Continuous Spell Cards once they are destroyed as Monsters instead of sending them to Graveyard, giving

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