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[最新] what is black fungus in humans 176823-What is black fungus infection in humans

 Some COVID19 patients in India have developed a rare and potentially fatal fungal infection called mucormycosis, also known as "black fungus," according to news reports Mucormycosis is caused by a group of molds called mucormycetes, which grow in soil and decaying organic matter, such as rotting leaves and wood, according to the Centers for Disease Control What is ROCM or Black fungus infection? New Infection Detected After Black Fungus After the cases of black fungus infection cases started to surface, a few new cases have been recently detected where individuals started showing a white fungus infection A total of four cases of White fungus have been reportedly found in Patna One of the four patients is a known doctor of Patna

Black Fungus In Kids Are Children Susceptible To Black Fungus Infection Here S What We Know So Far

Black Fungus In Kids Are Children Susceptible To Black Fungus Infection Here S What We Know So Far

What is black fungus infection in humans
