無料ダウンロード how do i take a screenshot on my phone samsung a12 172226

Samsung A12 A02s Hidden Features Tips Tricks 13 Ui Secret Tricks

Samsung A12 A02s Hidden Features Tips Tricks 13 Ui Secret Tricks

The screenshot should be in your Gallery Voice method by Bixby Thanks to the SAMSUNG Bixby assistant you can take a screenshot using voice command Make sure the Voice wakeup is on Choose the screen that you want to save Now say "Hi, Bixby" Then say "Take a Samsung has made taking screenshots on your Samsung Galaxy phone easy Whether you want to capture a text message, or want to save the winning screen of a game, you can take a screenshot on any Samsung Galaxy model by pressing a combination of two buttons – Power and Volume down

How do i take a screenshot on my phone samsung a12

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Today, the 22K gold rate in Saudi Arabia is 1958 Riyal (SAR) per Gram The price of 22 Karat gold is displayed in the local time (ie, Riyadh) Karat is a measure that represents the purity of gold, and 22K is 92% pure gold At the design stage of jewelry, some impurities are added with the gold It is available in different quantities of units, eg, 1, 5, 10, 15, , 30, 50, 100, and 1000

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