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無料ダウンロード 230 3 phase wiring 294075-230v 3 phase motor wiring diagram
A 3phase electric power comes with three wires Think of it like an engine with three compartments and three rotating pistons to power the system You get to see a 3phase electric system in most commercial buildings There are typically four wires in total;A threephase motor must be wired based on the diagram on the faceplate The first step is to figure out the voltage of your phases In the United States, for low voltage motors (below 600v), you can expect either 230v or 460v That being said, there is a wide range of different motors and what you have on hand can be completely differentWhen generating 3 phase power, the copper lines are located 1 degrees apart So when you're at the four o'clock position in our example here, that's 1 degrees away from line one And at the eight o'clock position is 1 degrees away from both the 4 and 12 o'clock positions The 3 lines are equally spaced around the circle
230v 3 phase motor wiring diagram
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